compact fertilizer granulator
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  • Fertilizer granulation production process
    Fertilizer Granulation Production Process When choosing an compound organic fertilizer granulator, many customers are often confused because they are faced with many fertilizer equipment classifications and do not know how to choose the right equipment. The following wil...
  • Application of rounding machine in organic fertilizer production line
    Application of rounding machine in organic fertilizer production line Introduction to round polishing machine The rounding machine is a rounding device configured on the basis of organic fertilizer granulation equipment. It can roll cylindrical and elliptical organic fertilizer particles ...
  • Application of disc granulator
    What is a disc granulator? Disc granulator, also called ball disc, can be used for various dry powder granulation and dry powder pre-wet granulation. Pre-wet granulation has good effect and should be used first. It is the main equipment for forming powdery materials into balls. The evenly mixed ...
  • About BB fertilizer production line
    What is BB fertilizer? BB fertilizer is a compound fertilizer made by mixing several granular single fertilizers or compound fertilizers in a certain proportion. BB fertilizer is the future direction of fertilizer development in the international market. ​ ​Advantages of BB fertilizer BB fert...
  • Organic fertilizer granulation production
    Organic fertilizer production and application methods: There are big differences in the production and application methods of organic fertilizers in the world. The common practice abroad is to use a special fertilizer spreader to spread the finished compost directly to the planting plots. The re...
  • The development prospects of organic fertilizer production from livestock manure
    As organic fertilizers are vigorously promoted in ecological agriculture around the world, farmers have a certain understanding and recognition of them, and the demand for organic fertilizers in markets around the world will continue to increase. In recent years, the government’s strong sup...
  • Cat litter manufacturing process
    Cat litter production process The cat litter production line is used to produce cat litter, which can bury their feces and urine in cat toilets or litter boxes.It can then help keep the room clean and fresh aired. So how can we make cat litter that is both beautiful and loved by kittens? Usuall...
  • Various fertilizer granulation methods
    Fertilizer category Fertilizer types can be broadly divided into two types: inorganic fertilizers and organic fertilizers. Common chemical fertilizers include elemental nitrogen fertilizers, phosphate fertilizers and potash fertilizers, two-element compound fertilizers, three-element compound fer...
  • Interested in organic fertilizer plant construction knowledge!
    Organic fertilizer and bio-fertilizer Bio-organic fertilizer refers to a type of microbial fertilizer and organic fertilizer that is composed of specific functional microorganisms and organic materials that are mainly derived from animal and plant residues (such as livestock and poultry manure, c...
  • Practical technology for harmless treatment of livestock manure
    The production of livestock manure The pollutants produced by poultry and livestock breeding include solid waste (feces, dead livestock and poultry carcasses), water pollutants (breeding farm wastewater) and atmospheric pollutants (odorous gases). Among them, breeding wastewater and feces are the...
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GOFINE is a large-scale fertilizer equipment supplier integrating the scientific research, production, sales, import and export services since 1987.

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